Medicare & DVA Physiotherapy



Under the Enhanced Primary Care Program (EPC), Medicare rebates are available for a maximum of 5 allied health services per person in a calendar year. These rebates are available to people who have a chronic or complex condition being managed by their GP under an EPC. The individual needs to be referred to our practice by their GP prior to the rebated session.

Patients over the age of 70 years, with a Government Concession Card, will incur NO out of pocket expense with selected Physiotherapists in our Practice. All other patients will be charged a fee which is currently $44.65 out-of-pocket for the first appointment and $29.65 out-of-pocket for a follow up consultation. We are able to process this rebate “on the spot” at your consultation. Please bring your savings or debit card along with your Medicare Card or number in order for us to process this. More information can be found on the Medicare website –


We are delighted to offer our Physiotherapy services to DVA card holders. All physiotherapy visits are covered by DVA Gold card holders, and “specific conditions” are covered by DVA White card holders. All you need to do is provide a GP referral (Form D904) at your first consultation and we will look after the rest!