Winter Sports Injuries

Australia is a sports-loving nation, as both participants and spectators.  Australia’s mild winters mean that in most parts of Australia, participation in outdoor exercise and sports can occur all year round.  According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), over 60% of Australians participate in sports and exercise programs.


The Medibank Private Safe Sports Report found that their member’s main motivation to exercise were (in order): general health and fitness, weight loss, to have fun and enjoy social benefits


The report also revealed that ‘individual’ rather than ‘team-based’ activities were the most popular.  This is consistent with published data from the ABS Year Book.  Walking, aerobics, fitness, swimming and golf ranked among the top five participation sports/physical activities.


According to the Monash University Accident Research Centre approximately 5.2 M Australians suffer a sports-related injury each year. Surveys indicate that the most common injuries (in order) are to the knee, ankle, foot, back and shoulder.


Statistically, sports injuries peak in the months of May, June and July.  This is not surprising because cold muscles, tendons and ligaments increase your risk of sustaining injury.


The fear of sustaining a sports injury should not deter someone from participating in winter exercise/sport.  Regular exercise has been shown to reduce the probability of developing heart disease, diabetes, mental illness and many types of cancer (particularly breast and colon cancer).  The benefits certainly outweigh the risks.


Dr Peter Larkins is a noted sports medicine specialist (as well as being an Olympic athlete and media personality) in Australia.  In order to reduce the risk of a winter sports injury, Dr Larkins recommends:


–       Get the correct advice on the right activity program for you

–       Warm up and cool down

–       Have the correct equipment for your activity

–       Begin slowly and gradually build up to the challenge

–       Keep hydrated

–       Listen to your body

–       Give yourself one or two recovery days each week

–       Rest an injury, don’t try to ‘work through’ the pain

–       Progress at your own pace and don’t overdo it


Before beginning any exercise program, it is advised that you visit with your Physiotherapist, especially if you have had a previous injury or musculoskeletal condition.  Your Physiotherapist is trained to assess/evaluate your body and offer valuable advice to assist you in preventing winter sports injuries.


Regular exercise and Physiotherapy care are recommended for a healthy lifestyle.


Towards Wellness & Stretch of the Month-May 2014

The Bridge

  1. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Squeeze your gluteals and then push your hips up until there is a straight line through knee and hip to upper body and shoulders remain on the floor.
  3. Hold for 1 minute.


Be Pro-Active for Health in Winter

Being proactive about your health and wellbeing in winter will help ensure that you make it through the cooler months cold and flu-free, and in tip-top shape to enjoy the summer. Below are some tips:

Keep exercising It’s hard to get motivated when it’s cold and dark, but your body has to work overtime to get warm, so you can burn more kilojoules on that early morning walk or run. If it’s too cold outside, go to the gym or do laps at an indoor pool.

Eat well Keep your immune system in shape by making sure you’re eating a healthy diet.

Dose up on vitamins and minerals Iron, zinc and vitamin C are also key to a healthy immune system. Look for dark, leafy greens and red and yellow vegetables, which are all high in antioxidants.

Stay hydrated Drink at least eight glasses of water each day. If cold water is unappealing when the mercury dips, try boiled water with a slice of lemon.